Explore The Wilderness


Get ready for the journey in Eastern Hokkaido


Discover Unlimited Beauty

A journey to feel the heartbeat of the earth

This is the eastern Hokkaido where untouched nature, wild animals, and humans all live together in harmony. Akan Mashu National Park, where we live, has been developed benefiting and also suffering from volcanic activities and severe climate. The unique natural environment has been affecting the livings in the area. Would you like to experience the life here with a magnificent nature, wild animals, and unique culture? You can feel the heartbeat of the earth.


Teshikaga, located in Akan Mashu National Park, where we live, is located in the volcanic belt. It consists of three different areas which have unique geographical characteristics.

Lake Kussharo

Lake Kussharo is the largest caldera lake in Japan, measuring approximately 26km from east to west and 20km from north to south. It was formed due to volcanic activity, and hot springs and fumarole can be seen all around the area. In summer, you can enjoy activities such as canoeing, swimming, and camping. You can enjoy the magical world in winter such as the freezing lake surface, trees covered with frost, and diamond dust.

Mt. Io (Atosanupuri)

Mt Io has another name as Atosanupuri which means “naked mountain” in the Ainu language. As the name describes, there are almost no trees growing on the mountain’s surface, and smoke rises from the mountain and its surroundings. The smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Mt. Io, which was once used as a sulfur mining site, has a great deal to do with the development of the area.

Lake Mashu

Lake Mashu is called Kamuito (God’s Lake)” in the Ainu language, and is considered a mystical lake among the Ainu. The lake surface, where the blue of the sky is reflected in the highly transparent lake water, is called “Mashu Blue,” and its beauty fascinates people for a long time. Mt. Mashu, which was formed by an explosive eruption, stands to the east, and its explosive crater shows the dynamics of volcanic activity.

the moment

This is a gallery that collects photos of each season that we have taken so far. Mountains, lakes, and wild animals show a variety of expressions.


A guide who fell in love with Teshikaga.


Takahiro Ogino

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